Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Help Nisha change the world!

One of the joys of following other people's blogs is that, in reading the comments readers leave, you can meet even more wonderful, interesting, inspiring people.  Last night I was reading "Love that Max," and I saw a comment by a young woman named Nisha, who lives in South Africa.  She said she had cerebral palsy, as does Max, and that  "in the interest of being helpful I would like to ask that you NEVER LOWER YOUR EXPECTATIONS for Max."  I was intrigued, and followed the link to her blog, The Adventures of Me.

Immediately I liked Nisha's sense of humor:  the subtitle of her blog is,  "If God is watching, I plan on being entertaining."  As I read further, I found that this is an extraordinary 20-year-old.  Yes, like most of her peers, she likes to listen to music, watch movies, talk with her friends, spend time on the internet and Twitter.  But, unlike many of her peers, she is determined to change the world.  At the age of 20, she has discovered on her own what many people never learn in a lifetime:  "I am at my happiest when I give of myself in whatever way I can at any given moment in time."

So Nisha has decided that one way she will make the world a better place is to raise money and awareness for one of the world's most urgent causes:  access to clean water.  She has set a goal to raise $6500 for The Water Project and to build a well in a community that lacks clean water.  So far, she is 57% of the way to her goal.

I want to urge all my readers and friends to contribute whatever you can to Nisha's cause.  You can donate through her First Giving page.  I encourage you to visit her blog and read a few will be inspired and blessed by this young woman's writing and generous spirit!  


Thom said...

How refreshing! Thank you for this, Galen - I will check out her page.

Galen said...

Thanks, Thom! Yes, it is refreshing...I don't encounter many people this age who reflect on the meaning of life and how they can make the world a better place.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Galen you are truly an AMAZING woman I don't know anybody else who would adopt 10 kids with special needs. I know this is going to really corny but I'm going to say it anyway may God bless youand keep you all the days of your life.

Your truly,

Galen said...

Thanks, Nisha. You're very kind.